Douglas M. Sexton
Doug recruits for companies throughout each of the industries V20 serves. His experience dates back more than 30 years when his unyielding passion for the marine business was solidified cutting chum and scrubbing decks on party boats on the New Hampshire seacoast. A career in the marine industry commenced after college graduation working for companies like, Outboard Marine Corporation, Tracker Marine, Brunswick Boat Group, Larson Boats, Chris Craft and Godfrey Marine. Doug works with select clients filling their recruiting needs, in addition to caring for V20s business, direction, growth and new and improved approaches. Doug is continually looking for ways to improve the experience of our clients and candidates. The work is never complete and the performance of V20’s business will always be improving while Doug is at the helm.
- doug@v20recruiting.com
- Office 614-505-6012
- Cell 614-301-9570