How Marine Industry Staffing Agencies Work
Whether you’re an employer or job seeker, you’re probably getting really frustrated with some of the services that connect you both. The huge internet job boards often prioritize quantity over quality, flooding you with questionable fits for your marine engineering vacancies or unique skill sets.
From the job seeker’s perspective, these faceless forums are becoming increasingly bloated with fake job postings, and you definitely won’t get the personal attention it takes to get matched with a fulfilling career. And if you’re an employer, it’s going to cost you hours of sifting to find even a single qualified applicant who actually meshes with your needs and company culture.
In the end, the top marine companies and great candidates simply want to connect to create a better future for everyone. Why is it so hard?
The truth is, it doesn’t have to be. Marine staffing agencies are dedicated recruiters for an industry that demands in-depth attention on both sides of the hiring table. These third-party pros can act as powerful force multipliers for everyone, taking much of the time, hard work, and frustration out of the hiring process.
At V20, we’ve distinguished ourselves as the top marine industry staffing agencies in the nation, and we know what it takes to build the successful companies of tomorrow. Here are the things that have made us the #1 recruiter for the sectors we serve, and what you should look for in a marine recruiting partner.
We Came Up Through the Ranks
In most cases, the recruiters employed by marine industry staffing agencies have spent years or even decades working in the field. They’ve seen it all, and are extremely familiar with the types of people who will be great matches for various companies or job classifications.
That’s our story too. Our team members are standouts not just because they know the recruiting business, but because they have made careers and pastimes out of the sports, recreational activities, and industries they love.
Your marine staffing agency contacts should be able to talk to you about their time on the water as well as their credentials in the game. If they seem casual or generic, it’s because they probably are.
Getting to Know Our Clients Is Our #1 Priority
You can’t be an impactful and sought-after marine staffing agency by just shuffling paperwork between companies and candidates. Personality and corporate culture are incredibly important intangibles that make all the difference between a great, long-lasting fit and a quick separation.
You have to take the time to get to know your clients if you want to forge consequential relationships, and the best marine staffing agencies have developed an uncanny ability to identify people and companies that will work well together. Plus, by doing the hard work of vetting talent and opportunities, an agency develops deep connections that can eliminate a lot of guesswork in the future.
When marine staffing agencies that do their homework sell you on a good fit, you should be able to take that recommendation to the bank for critical business decisions. That’s the responsibility we have as industry-leading recruiters.
For Job Seekers
On this side of the equation, marine staffing agencies provide a number of services for prospective applicants. We prioritize all of these considerations at V20 for every candidate as a baseline for delivering results:
- Resume services: The average hiring manager spends six seconds looking at a resume. Yours needs to be first-rate, and a great recruiter knows how to make it sparkle.
- Skill and education advice: Many employers in the marine industry require specific education, skills, certification, and training. These are often listed in the job posting, but some are not. A recruiter can help you identify and correct any deficiencies or missing items on your resume.
- Career guidance: The best pay package is not necessarily the perfect job for you. Corporate culture, coworker compatibility, location, advancement possibilities, and benefits packages all come into play for finding a great fit that will support your goals, family, and long-term stability.
- Insider maritime contacts: Because so many recruiters worked in the industries they now service, they know all the key players. Also, a lot of great jobs are filled through informal recommendations or in-house promotions without ever being posted. Marine staffing agencies can find and connect you with jobs like these which are often some of the best-paid positions out there.
- Their reputation is your reputation: Marine industry staffing agencies simply cannot afford to work with just anyone. The quality of their clients and the quality of their recommendations are what made them successful and trusted partners with businesses big and small. If they recommend you, employers take it seriously.
For Employers
The hiring process can be a nightmare of logistics and organization when you’re on the employer’s side of the desk. Resumes have to be weeded, preliminary and final interviews conducted, job histories verified, and references contacted. The more resumes you have, the more you have to do. It’s a huge time and money sink... and at the end of the day, your dream candidate may not even take the job!
At V20, we streamline this process by connecting you with the best, most interested candidates from the get-go. We’ve done the weeding for you, saving you a ton of time and money.
But it doesn’t just end there. Great marine staffing agencies should deliver a number of additional benefits:
- Prevent bad hires: 43% of employers waste money and time on these foreseeable and potentially traumatic misfires.
- Candidates decide more quickly: Especially in this tight labor market, candidates are more empowered to sort through multiple job offers or wait to see how others pan out before making a decision. But it’s a fact that 89% of job seekers will accept a job faster if they are connected through a recruiter.
- Access to hidden candidates: The number one reason people change jobs is for a career opportunity, not because they’re down on their luck. Marine staffing agencies can recommend your open positions to clients who may not be actively looking for a new job but would be a great fit.
They Make Everyone’s Life Easier
Marine industry staffing agencies like V20 Recruiting + Consulting save everyone time, money, and frustration. We know where candidates will fit best because we make understanding our clients’ needs the top priority for success. We pride ourselves on taking the time to get to know our clients personally so we can leverage our decades of collective marine industry experience to connect the best with the best.
Whether you’re looking for a great job or a new team member, reach out to V20 Recruiting today so we can help you start building a winning company with excellent staff. You can reach out directly to our ace marine recruiters Douglas M. Sexton and Tom Cassidy, Jr. through their company web page to get started today.
Contact us to find out what V20 can do for you!