Secure Top Talent with Marine Staffing
If you’re struggling to secure the game-changing talent you need in the marine sector, you’re not alone. Marine staffing can be one of the most difficult challenges a business faces. Not only does it take insider know-how to recruit great employees, but these days you’ll be competing with other industries as well—not just your own sector.
So, how do you make your business attractive to potential employees, especially at a time when the American workforce is short 1.7 million workers? How do you compete against other industries that might have more money or clout?
There are a number of ways to stand out, and while some are simple, others take some thought. Regardless, we’ll help you sort out exactly what you need to do to lock down the standout marine industry candidates who can take your business to the next level.
It Starts with the Bottom Line… But It Doesn’t End There
A job that pays a little more is going to be an appealing option for many potential employees. In fact, it’s the number one factor that determines which jobs candidates consider, influencing 93% of job seekers.
Obviously, you’ll need to know what the salary expectations are for your industry and how they compare to your peers. But the real secret to marine staffing success is a benefits package that makes your company a holistic opportunity for comfort and sustainability when the numbers are close. These include:
- Benefits: This can be as simple as providing better options, but a fast-emerging solution is offering flexible benefit packages instead of a one-size-fits-all plan.
- Time for Personal Projects is incredibly attractive, and the resulting intellectual property can be a valuable asset for your business.
- Autonomy is an often-underrated employee and employer benefit. In fact, it’s the U.S. military’s secret to success, and something many of your top applicants with service backgrounds will be familiar with.
- Vacation Time. After all, a marine employee is probably a marine enthusiast who wants to spend time on the water! It’s great for morale, and even better for your business—especially in sales.
Location, Location, Location
A close second (92%) to salary in a jobseeker's final decision is location. Startups typically have a great deal of flexibility with this, but more well-established corporations often have excellent options as well. The fact is, where you live when you’re not at work matters, and having a great quality of life can be a make-or-break decision for a great candidate looking to put down roots.
- Sell Your Community. Cost of living, crime statistics, the presence of professional sports and arts organizations, quality of public schools, the beauty of parks and recreation amenities, and many more elements can be deciding factors when it comes to submitting a resume. Include these in job postings as you would salary and qualifications.
- Be a Community Partner. Employees who see that you’re actively involved in improving your community will know two things: 1) you’re going to make where they live a little better, and 2) you probably care about their life and family too.
- Offer Relocation Compensation. This can help ameliorate moving costs for great candidates who live far away or are just starting out and may not have tons of money.
- Share Relocation Opportunities: If you have flexibility in locations or have relocation possibilities for employees, make sure they know you may be able to work with them.
Build a Grade-A Corporate Culture.
If the idea of going to work fills an employee with enthusiasm instead of dread, everyone will benefit and it will show on the bottom line. There’s no substitute for a great company culture, and that doesn’t mean telling everyone “We treat you like family” at the weekly meeting.
Top-notch corporate culture is founded on very specific values that are often measurable in dollar signs. These are all highlights for talented job seekers that indicate they’ll be a part of an excellent work environment that backs up their values in the ways that matter.
While not exhaustive, here are some common ways to create a solid work environment:
- Prioritize and foster a safety culture. Workers who feel safe are happier and more productive. And while it may cost a little more to create, there are concrete benefits to getting it right: retention improves, insurance can be cheaper, and money is ultimately saved through efficiency and worker productivity gains.
- Maintain clear and open channels of communication. Ensure employees feel free to share their thoughts and feel valued and safe when they do so.
- Reward performance: commission salespeople perform better than salaried sales staff. Non-sales positions can be incentivized with bonuses of various sorts. Knowing there are reward structures in place that are attainable and consistent is key.
- Embrace remote work and flextime. The jury is still out, but for many businesses, it’s mostly a question of good management and oversight. If you can provide these options, they are very attractive to job seekers.
Work With a Great Recruiting Agency
The fact is, picking the right recruiting agency is the #1 way of making sure you get the perfect people for your most important positions. The marine industry isn’t a basic retail sector: it requires highly specific training and passion to connect with customers who are often as knowledgeable as your staff. That means talent acquisition is paramount, and it’s worth investing in a recruiting partner who knows exactly what you need and can fill those positions with qualified candidates.
You probably have a human resources department to deal with recruiting and onboarding issues, but excellent marine staffing solutions require a team that knows the industry inside and out and has deep connections to find the best of the best.
Supercharge your Marine Staffing with V20
V20 Recruiting + Consulting is a powersports, motorsports, firearms, and recreation recruiting agency that prioritizes quality over quantity every single time. We’re experts in marine staffing, and we bring our passion for the water to helping jobseekers and companies connect for success.
Our decades of combined experience means we choose only the most qualified candidates for your marine staffing needs. Our personal touch and familiarity with all players means we’ve got a solid grip on the intangibles that make the difference between a good hire and the perfect fit. We don’t flood your desk with resumes that don’t click—we get to know your company intimately so we can give you the right people for the job every time.
You can contact our corporate offices, or reach out to our star marine staffing recruiters Tom Cassidy and Douglas M Sexton (our company president!) for all your marine staffing needs. Their personal contact details are listed on the website, and they’re ready to take your business to the next level.
We can’t help until you call! Power up your search today by contacting us, and find out what V20 can do for you.